Prefabricated Hostel Building

Prefabricated Hostel Building

India has many higher education institutions but primary education in rural areas still needs a lot of infrastructures and boosting to ensure the benefits of education reach the grassroots. Overcoming the limitation of time and cost in building schools the conventional way, Multi Decor India offers the perfect alternative.

we design comprehensive educational facilities for different age groups and purposes that can serve as permanent or temporary structures; as independent units or extensions. Our prefabricated school buildings are made to be easily transported and assembled. We warranty for their high cost-effectiveness and simple use, as well as their reusability and high-quality materials. They are especially useful in temporary conditions where modular school classrooms need to be variable and changeable quickly to adapt to different conditions of the surroundings.


  • Modular in design and Cost Effective Eco-Friendly.

  • Their elements and parts are made in the form of a kit at a centralized plant for transportation to the required site

  • On-time project fulfillment

  • Safe from Water/Heat/Sound

  • Time & Water Saving Concept for all constructions.

  • Prefab Devloper Prefab Devloper Prefab Devloper

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